Every day, acceptance of the presence of UFOs becomes habitual, while decades ago there was a time when mentioning the existence of the kind of rare phenomenon would make people laugh a lot....
Unidentified flying objects are something you have probably heard of before. UFO sightings are very popular, even though it might not mean much to a lot of people. You often don't know if they actually exist or not....
Mysterious and mystical things have always interested and will interest people, so the topic of UFOs does not lose its popularity, but every year, on the contrary, it intensifies. Inexplicable events literally fascinate and do not let you tear yourself away, however, few people in real life managed to see something like this, and many cases found a completely adequate logical explanation. But still there remains a large proportion of events that have remained unexplained....
For seven decades, ufologists from all over the world have been breaking spears in global disputes and in search of the truth that is invisibly hovering around the theme of the reality of flying saucers so beloved by them, or, as they are commonly called scientifically, Unidentified flying objects (abbreviated - UFO, or UFO)....
That’s really a question that most of us usually ask, but trying to exactly define what is an unidentified flying object is not always something simple, as according to different subjects, under this definition could enter whatever object that is in the sky without a clear the recognition by the eye of the observer and, maybe, if that the case, almost all of us had seen a UFO until a deep investigation could proof the opposite.
That’s really a question that most of us usually ask, but trying to exactly define what is an unidentified flying object is not always something simple, as according to different subjects, under this definition could enter whatever object that is in the sky without a clear the recognition by the eye of the observer and, maybe, if that the case, almost all of us had seen a UFO until a deep investigation could proof the opposite....
Most of the regular people these days have a clear idea of what is a UFO, or how should be a UFO, because TV shows and movies have brought into our everyday life this type of information, but in fact, when talking about UFO, not all the information shared through the media is accurate, but most of all, not all of it, is really shared.
Most of the regular people these days have a clear idea of what is a UFO, or how should be a UFO, because TV shows and movies have brought into our everyday life this type of information, but in fact, when talking about UFO, not all the information shared through the media is accurate, but most of all, not all of it, is really shared....
Very often we have heard of what is necessary to travel in space, as it is one of the greatest limitations for humanity in expanding our exploration in this vast unknown area, but, this who should be required to successfully complete a trip of this magnitude? Well, the answer could probably be found through UFO technology....
At the end of last week, US intelligence submitted a report to Congress on unexplained air phenomena that have been observed in America in recent decades. The document contains everything that the country's authorities know and do not know about the invasion of unknown aircraft on American territory. The requirement to prepare this report appeared during the administration of President Donald Trump, and the new leadership of the White House supported its publication. I have read this document and briefly retell what the new American authorities have learned about UFOs....
The attraction for the unknown has always motivated man to blindly believe in events that often have no logical explanations, UFOs are a phenomenon that arouses curiosity in many people, and there is a very high number of people worldwide who blindly believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life, and in the frequent visits of these beings to our planet.
The attraction for the unknown has always motivated man to blindly believe in events that often have no logical explanations, UFOs are a phenomenon that arouses curiosity in many people, and there is a very high number of people worldwide who blindly believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life, and in the frequent visits of these beings to our planet....