Some unknown UFO sighting sites

Reports of UFO sighting have been documented around the world, but yet, there are places in which most people do not even suspect that have a high rate of unusual visitors on different UFO types. And when most of us would think that these places are far from the populated areas, the truth is quite the opposite, but still unnoticed for most of its inhabitant. One of these spots can be found in Panama.
Some unknown UFO sighting sites
Reports of UFO sighting have been documented around the world, but yet, there are places in which most people do not even suspect that have a high rate of unusual visitors on different UFO types. And when most of us would think that these places are far from the populated areas, the truth is quite the opposite, but still unnoticed for most of its inhabitant. One of these spots can be found in Panama....

Secrets of the UFOs – what are the UFO types?

Through history, witnesses have described different characteristics in UFO types, since in one of the most captivating events, occurred in Nuremberg in 1561, was claimed that have been seen various shapes of these flying objects in unknown UFO sightings that went from arrows, spheres, discs, cylinders, eggs, fireballs to cross.
Secrets of the UFOs – what are the UFO types?
Through history, witnesses have described different characteristics in UFO types, since in one of the most captivating events, occurred in Nuremberg in 1561, was claimed that have been seen various shapes of these flying objects in unknown UFO sightings that went from arrows, spheres, discs, cylinders, eggs, fireballs to cross....

The truth about the TIC TAC UFO

These lately days we have been hearing a lot about the Tic Tac UFOs, since past September 19th the NAVY confirmed that a group of leaked videos filmed by its pilots and published on 2017 by the New York Times were real.
The truth about the TIC TAC UFO
These lately days we have been hearing a lot about the Tic Tac UFOs, since past September 19th the NAVY confirmed that a group of leaked videos filmed by its pilots and published on 2017 by the New York Times were real....

State of UFO observations in 2020

State of UFO observations in 2020
Frequently, whenever we seek information about UFOs, read or watch a television documentary about them, there are always references to certain events that have transcended collective memory....

Control of our reality by intelligence outside Earth

Control of our reality by intelligence outside Earth
Reality surpasses fiction; It is a saying that we have heard multiple times, but despite it, in most cases, it is very difficult for us to believe that completely unusual and implausible events can occur. So now let's explore some of these events a little, to try to completely understand that the reality in which we live goes far beyond the things we take for granted and what we simply perceive. And also, that maybe, the control of our reality could be in the hands of intelligence outside Earth...

UFO sightings in Argentina

UFO sightings in Argentina
Probably we had heard about UFO around the world, but maybe we don’t have a clear idea about how often this kind of phenomenon is watched in Argentina....

UFO Sightings 2021: 12 Remarkable Ones

UFO Sightings 2021: 12 Remarkable Ones
Often, if a message appears about the observation of some strange phenomenon above the earth, and this is not explained by any astronomical phenomenon known to science, and no evidence of hoax has been established, then they say that we are talking about an unidentified flying object, about a UFO....